Care Team Form

Please fill out this form for your Group member and click submit. The Care Team will review the submission and then make a call as to how we can best support your LifeGroup member.

Thank you for serving your Group and leading well!
Care Team exists to provide care to the broader church in the form of 1) meal train creation, 2) sending cards, and 3) providing bereavement support.

A Reminder: How Care Team Functions

  • LifeGroup Members could use food support if:

    • Hospital stay, extended illness, has a baby

  • LifeGroup Leader contacts Care Team

  • Team Leads review needs, then gather info to put Meal Train into action or send a card.

  • Meal Train shares link with LifeGroup

    • LifeGroup gets 1st Priority to fill spots

  • Care Team then shares with the broader church

Your Information:

Member Information:

Please select one option.


Please fill out this form for your Group member and click submit. The Care Team will review the submission and then make a call as to how we can best support your LifeGroup member.

Thank you for serving your Group and leading well!